The inaugural World Boxing Congress was held at the Mainarcaden Venue in Frankfurt am Main, Germany on 24 and 25 November 2023.
It hosted World Boxing’s first ever elections when members voted for a range of offices including President, Vice President (VP) and places on World Boxing’s Executive Board along with the Chairs of the Sport and Competition Committee, the Medical and Anti-Doping Committee and the Finance and Audit Committee.
Other items on the agenda include: the formal approval of World Boxing Statutes; the formal approval of applications by National Federations for membership and associate membership of World Boxing; and the approval of World Boxing’s strategic plan and budget.
Frankfurt am Main has been specifically chosen as the location for World Boxing’s first elections owing to its historical significance as the cradle of the German democratic movement and the place (Frankfurter Nationalversammlung) where the first freely elected parliament for all German states first sat in May 1848.
26 of the the National Federations that have joined World Boxing took part in the Congress in person and voted in the elections which received more than 40 nominations.
The elections were overseen by an experienced, independent, third-party organisation. Scrutineers were onsite to ensure the veracity of the election processes and that candidates were treated in a fair and equitable manner.