World Boxing is committed to ensuring that boxers have a voice in the development of the organisation and has two Athlete Representatives on its Executive Board. These positions are currently held by Lauren Price from Wales and the USA’s Richard Torrez Jr, who won gold and silver respectively at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games.

They are supplemented by an Athletes Committee which is responsible for representing the views of boxers worldwide and providing advice, guidance and opinions to World Boxing.
The two current members of the Athletes Committee, along with Lauren and Richard, are Tammara Thibeault of Canada and Caitlin Parker from Australia, who both competed at the 2020 Olympic Games and have qualified for Paris 2024

As members of the Athletes Committee they are regularly consulted on relevant matters to ensure the views of boxers are reflected in World Boxing’s decision making. They also represent the organisation publicly and are invited to attend and contribute to meetings of the Executive Board and the World Boxing Congress.